Dave Lochner Memorial Softball League

New Hope Fellowship 25, Ridgeland Comm./Word of Life 8

today Tuesday, June 1, 2010

place Ridgeland Community

  1234567 Total
New Hope Fellowship 4 2 1 4 1 6 7 25
Ridgeland Comm./Word of Life 0 0 0 2 0 3 3 8
New Hope Fellowship players HRsKK
Aaron Collins 00
Aaron Jacobs 00
Ben Jacobs 00
Chris Collins 00
Gary Randolph 00
Jared Webb 00
Kevin Webb 00
Mark Jacobs 00
Mark Schrader 00
Michael Parsons 00
Rob Parsons 00
Steve Smith 00
Tim Smith 00
Ridgeland Comm./Word of Life players HRsKK
Alex Seidler 00
Derek Laez 00
Dominic Coco 00
Doug Dechau 00
Eric Rabidoux 00
Holley McAllister 00
James Blake 00
James Helfer 00
Jimmy VanMaaren 00
Joel Kreider 00
Joshua Barbato 00
Shane McIntyre 00
Tyrell Zechin 00
William Brand 00

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