Dave Lochner Memorial Softball League

Ridgeland Comm./Word of Life 10, Avon Wesleyan 6

today Tuesday, June 7, 2011

place Ridgeland Community

  1234567 Total
Avon Wesleyan 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 6
Ridgeland Comm./Word of Life 3 0 2 3 1 1 0 10
Avon Wesleyan players HRsKK
Adam Capello 00
Andy Britton - Coach 00
Andy Prentice 00
Brandon Bearce 00
Bud Bearce -Assist. Coach 00
Casey Bearce 00
David Lapp 00
Gary Cox 00
Jeremiah Prentice 00
Kenan Carey 00
Kevin Mattison 00
Kevin Smith 00
Paul Mattison- Assist. Coach 00
Steve Kocher 00
Marcus Cox 00
Ridgeland Comm./Word of Life players HRsKK
Case McIntyre 00
Derek Lacz 00
Eric Rabidoux 00
Gabe Kreider 00
Holley McAllister 00
James Helfer 00
Jimmy VanMaaren 00
Joel Kreider 00
Seth Arnold 00
Tyler Brownwell 00
William Brand 01

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